Hi everyone,
I've certainly picked a busy week to start sending out information. The debate over Canada's position for the upcoming G8 meeting is the focus of much discussion and partisan bickering in the House of Commons this week. That being said, there were a few releases from non-governmental organizations that I wanted to share with you.
1) The first is from the Pembina Institute. The Pembina Institute is an organization based out of Alberta (of all places) that is focusing on the promotion of sustainable practices. They released a scathing report of the Federal Government's latest plan, which they are now calling "Turning the Corner". They outline many loopholes and inadequacies that they believe will allow industry to avoid cutting emissions to meet even the weak targets proposed by the Conservatives. See #1 Below. (the full 17 page report from Pembina is available on their website www.pembina.org)
2) I thought this was interesting as well. The Sierra Legal Defence Fund has launched a lawsuit against the federal government for failing to meet its international obligations from the Kyoto Protocol, (which has been ratified as International Law). see the following link http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070529/kyoto_courtchallenge_070529 . I'm not sure how or if they will be successful, but it will be interesting to follow nonetheless.
3) From Nova Scotia: One of the few Nova Scotia based wind energy developers is leaving NS for Ontario siting years of frustration with the slow changes to the electricity marketplace. I think it is a wake up call for the NS Department of Energy that their policies are forcing home-grown companies to look elsewhere for business. Also note that the last line of the article is somewhat inaccurate, as the 40 Turbines in NS only provide power for about 15,000 (not 150,000), and that about 90% of the renewable energy in NS comes from Hydro electric facilities on our rivers. http://thechronicleherald.ca/Business/838407.html
4) Finally.. something I saw this morning that made me laugh.. see the attached cartoon.
Anyway, that should be enough for now. Thanks for you positive comments about the list and please keep in touch
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